Cooking Sushi Rice on the Stovetop
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Measure a good quality sushi rice into a pot.

⅔ cups or 144 grams.

1 cup or 217 grams.

2 cups or 433 grams.

3 cups or 651 grams.

4 cups or 866 grams.

Wash the rice by filling the pot with water, while stirring, and then draining the water.

Do this five times, or until the water is mostly clear.

Drain as much of the water as you can.

Then add your measured water for cooking.

For ⅔ cups of rice, add slightly more than 1 cup of water (260 mL), resulting in .

For 1 cup of rice, add 1¾ cups (400 mL) water, resulting in 712 grams of washed rice and water.

For 2 cups of rice, add 3½ cups (825 mL) water, resulting in 1425 grams of washed rice and water.

Use high heat on the stovetop to bring the water to a boil.

As the water reaches a low boil, immediately reduce heat. For larger pots, use medium heat. For smaller pots, use medium-low heat.

Put the lid on the pot, and write down the time.

Set a timer for 18 minutes.

Adjust heat so that the water is bubbling slightly, but not boiling over.

Resist the urge to remove the lid until 18 minutes have passed.

After 18 minutes remove the lid, and confirm that there is no excess water in the pot.

If there is excess water, then keep cooking for a few more minutes.

If there is no excess water, taste the rice to make sure that it is not too soft and not too hard.

If the rice is still hard, add 1/4 cup of water and cook for a few more minutes.

When the rice is cooked, remove the pot from the heat, and let it sit for two minutes.

Use a wet spoon to scoop out the rice.